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Comparison of Bioware's Dragon Age titles

Hello, and thank you, everybody for waiting till this moment! Today, here at InformeticaTech, I bring to you our first gaming article. Actually, it's a comparison between the three Dragon Age titles by Bioware.

1. Game World

  • Dragon Age : Origins - This first game in the series was based in the vast country of Ferelden, with the main character having to go to almost all parts of it.

  • Dragon Age 2 - The sequel to Origins, on the contrary was set in a single city of the Free Marches, and the Sundermount, which is far smaller.

  • Dragon Age : Inquisition - Inquisition, is rumored to be the first Open World game in the series, being based in the entire land of Thedas.


2. Dialogue System

  • Dragon Age : Origins - Extensive: there are about 4 -6 options to choose in a scroll-down menu. Engage in conversation at will.

  • Dragon Age 2 - Intensive: about 3 options, used in a user-friendly Dialogue wheel. Player can talk only at specific points.

  • Dragon Age : Inquisition - Combined: dialogue wheel returns, but there will be more options. Engage conversations at all times.


3. Combat

  • Dragon Age : Origins - Weakly designed. There isn't any autoselect enemy option. The player has to be comfortable in using keyboard and mouse together, and continuously use pre-planned battle moves.​

  • Dragon Age 2 - Real-time action in increased substantially. Combat is much smoother, with autoselect enemy option and a better arsenal of skills to be used.

  • Dragon Age : Inquisition - ​Combat is Dragon Age Inquisition is rumoured to have both real-time, and strategic battle oppurtunities to make it appealing to a greater cast.


4. Cut Scenes

  • Dragon Age : Origins - Dragon Age: Origins has a great number of breathtaking scenes, with extraordinary effects and an epic storyline.

  • Dragon Age 2 - Dragon Age II is relatively vanilla in scenes. These scenes may turn out boring to those who expect a good plotline.

  • Dragon Age : Inquisition - It is hard to be able to find out how the cutscenes in Inquisition are, but the trailer suggests Origins-like scenes.


5. Quests

  • Dragon Age : Origins - The debut game has a vast number of quests for the player to turn to, with many side stories to experience.

  • Dragon Age 2 - DAII has a fair share of quests as well, but unfortunately, most of which are based on the same plotline.

  • Dragon Age : Inquisition - According to rumours, Inquisition is supposed to have a large number of parrallel plotlines.


6. Characters

  • Dragon Age : Origins - Origins has a large number of recruitable companions, each with a background to explore, and four of them to mate with. Also, the NPCs have a lot of story material too.

  • Dragon Age 2 - The companion characters in the sequel react well to their own choices which are reflected by yours. However, the NPCs are much more one-dimensional here.

  • Dragon Age : Inquisition - DA: Inquisition has been revealed to have some of the best characters ever made in Bioware's Dragon Age franchise. It looks pretty promising.


7. Storyline

  • Dragon Age : Origins - Once again, storyline is the factor at which Origins is far better than its sequel. It not only has vast number of subplots, but most of them are very touching.

  • Dragon Age 2 - The successor to Origins is based mainly on only two basic plotlines, which seem pretty boring. Also, the choices of the player don't have much effect.

  • Dragon Age : Inquisition - The game creators promise to have much more option in the third game, to make it more like Origin's epic plot. But once again, it's not certain.


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