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Want to create Holograms in the Real World ?

Well, now you can blend virtual reality and real world together with Microsoft's Hololens. It's like the Iron Man's Head Gear. I know that sounds weird but it's true. Microsoft HoloLens features see-through, holographic, high-definition lenses and spatial sound so you can see and hear holograms in the world around you. Complete with advanced sensors and a new Holographic Processing Unit (HPU) that understands the world around you, Microsoft HoloLens is able to run without any wires while processing terabytes of data from the sensors in real-time.

But the big deal is that you can interact with holograms. The holograms you’ll see with Microsoft HoloLens can appear life-like, and can move, be shaped, and change according to interaction with you or the physical environment in which they are visible. There will be not any screen to touch you have to use gestures to create, shape, and resize the holograms and use your voice to communicate with your apps.

Microsoft Hololens runs on Windows 10. It's totally going to revolutionize your world. It will change the way of gaming, work and communication. It's going to be very useful to people who work in 3D environment because now they can actually see their work in 3D Holograms. It is beleived that this is going to increase the buisness of Microsoft and it's going to be the world's first holographic computer.

But the most important question arises is that, common people can afford it? Still it's a mystery. According to us the price can range from 320$ to 700$ which is bit expensive and it will be released somewhere around December 2015. Rumors are it will contains Next-gen Intelchip, gesture control and wireless charging. So this thing is totally awesome and if you have the cash you can buy it.

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