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Windows 8.1 on Floppy Disks. Seriously?

Yo there!

Are you ancient enough to remember what these antique artifacts used to be? If not, lemme introduce to you: floppies! They were completely viral in older days, before even CDs were popular. And of course, you must also know about the current version of Windows (8.1 Pro). Now be prepared for a shock.

Windows 8.1 is available on floppy disks! And guess how many of these are needed. You will be needing 3711 of them (each one of them is of 1.44 MB). I honestly don't know who'd be crazy enough to buy it on floppies, but they do exist! If you're one of these awesome guys who've bought these, we'd be glad to know. If we were rich enough, we'd give you a gold medal.

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